
May 10, 2024: A New Vision of Shared Print 

CCH continues to center its work around its principles of transparency, inclusion, public good, responsiveness, and facilitative leadership. We are proud of our work with our colleagues in building awareness of the need to embed shared print in the lifecycle of collections

This past year, we have worked to increase our understanding of sustainability within the context of shared print. In doing so, we wondered what the path to a sustainable future for shared print would be. We tested some of our ideas in two Scholarly Kitchen blogs and appreciated early feedback. We realized that we cannot answer the question of where we are going alone. We want to support an exchange of ideas and assumptions testing to realize a successful future. To that end, we are sharing our vision of the future of shared print that incorporates the embedding of shared print in library operations, highlights the importance of diversity among our organizations, and promotes ever-evolving systems, tools, actions and relationships.

We happily anticipate working even more closely with you toward our shared [print] future!

January 27, 2023: January 2023 PAN Update

June 24, 2022: June 2022 PAN Update

February 18, 2022: Value of Collaboration: Directors' Opening Remarks

During the Summit for Shared Print in the Collection Lifecycle Greg Eow (President, Center for Research Libraries), Mike Furlough (Executive Director, HathiTrust), and Günter Waibel (Associate Vice Provost & Executive Director, California Digital Library) opened with a talk on the value of collaboration. You can now read their remarks in the Summit for Shared Print in the Collection Lifecycle opening transcript.

February 9, 2022: CCH Summit & Post-summit Webinars

On December 1st & 2nd of 2021, the Collaboration hosted a summit bringing together the shared print community, library functional experts, and service providers to create an action plan to embed shared print in the collections lifecycle. 

On January 12th & 24th of 2022, the Collaboration held two post-summit webinars to report out on the summit, its outcomes, and next steps. 

Summit documentation and outcomes, as well as post-summit webinar slides, recording, and notes are all available on on the CCH website under the header “After the Summit.” 

January 21, 2022: January 2022 PAN Update

June 22, 2021: June 2021 PAN Update

May 18, 2021: Webinar #2 - Shared Print in the Collections Lifecycle

Recording for this webinar. 

May 12, 2021: Webinar #1 - Shared Print in the Collections Lifecycle

Recording for this webinar.

January 22, 2021:  Launch - Collection Comparison Tool for Serials and Journals

January 13, 2021:  Webinar - Demonstration of Collection Comparison Tool for Serials and Journals

Recording for this webinar. 

December 10, 2020:  Webinar - Connecting Print to Digital Using the Collection Comparison Tool for Serials and Journals

Recording for this webinar.

November 10, 2020: Webinar - Introduction to the Collection Comparison Tool for Serials and Journals 

Recording for this webinar.

June 26, 2020:  PAN Presentation

Slides for this presentation.

June, 2020:  Collaboration Announcement

Dear colleagues,

The future of print collections is shared. Embedding shared print within the lifecycle of library collections promotes equity of access, enriches the scholarly record, and increases opportunity for research and teaching. A well-developed, collaborative, and interoperable infrastructure ensures we will realize the full potential of our networks and their collective collections. 

This is why we were proud to announce at the Print Archive Network Forum in January 2020, that  the California Digital Library (CDL), the Center for Research Libraries (CRL), and HathiTrust (HT), with the support of the Rosemont Shared Print Alliance and the Partnership for Shared Book Collections, will work together to build on a decade of collaboration, innovation and expertise to define a new phase of shared print built on open and interconnected infrastructure. 

This collaborative effort is emerging from the rich background of local and regional shared print programs’ expansion, interconnection, and technical innovation. We see an opportunity for our three organizations (CDL, CRL, and HT) to step into a facilitative leadership role, to gather the threads of the broader community’s considerable efforts and to advance shared print’s transition to a new phase of integration and interoperability.

This new phase coalesces the regional work into a strategic national effort. Working together in a coordinated fashion, we can assemble, preserve, and make accessible a more expansive and diverse shared collection for the scholarly community.


Over the last two months, CDL, CRL, and HT have met regularly and outlined a mission, vision, principles and assumptions to serve as anchors, or touchpoints, to ensure that this work reflects the values and needs of our broader community. You can find these in the attached document. Each of these draws on the combined expertise of our three organizations, as well as the work of the Rosemont Shared Print Alliance and the Partnership for Shared Book Collections. We welcome comments or questions. Please feel free to reach out to Alison Wohlers (, Amy Wood (, or Heather Weltin ( 

We want this effort to remain embedded in the community it is meant to serve and we want to engage that community meaningfully in the work. Therefore, we are developing a communications strategy that sets out an intentional course of action in the area of both internal and external communications to highlight this project’s priorities, values, achievements, services, and activities that are planned through 2020 and beyond.

Together we will achieve a shared print collection that in its scale and breadth represents the future of sustainable collection development and management. Our organizations look forward to going on this journey with the rest of the shared print community. 


Greg Eow, President, Center for Research Libraries

Mike Furlough, Executive Director, HathiTrust

Günter Waibel, Associate Vice Provost and Executive Director, California Digital Library