SUMMIT FOR Shared Print IN The CoLLectionS LifeCyCLE
The CCH Summit for Shared Print in the Collections Lifecycle aims to fuel collaboration and innovation from unexpected partners by highlighting shared print accomplishments, envisioning the future of shared print in the lifecycle of collections and scoping opportunities to enhance products that will make future visions a reality.
Following the summit we will be sharing an informative post summit report and hosting two public webinars to engage the community on the summit outcomes. For more information, see the section “After the Summit.”
Shared print programs have coordinated commitments to retain over 6 million unique titles and are gaining steam through cross-program collaboration. As we transition from shared print as a special project to embedding the work in the full lifecycle of collections, we need tools to support the scale and complexity of our work.
Since the Collaboration formed in January 2020, we have been actively working towards this summit. Our initial work focused primarily on developing a vision of embedding shared print into the collections lifecycle. This work included consulting with expert practitioners in the areas of selection, acquisition, processing and cataloging, circulation and shelving, discovery, resource sharing, and collections assessment and management. We followed these discussions with several public webinars to seek further input on the development of the vision to embed shared print in the collections lifecycle. The culmination of these discussions is this summit. We are excited to have reached this moment in partnership with so many individuals and organizations in the shared print and library community. More information regarding our previous work leading to this moment can be found elsewhere on this website.
Rosemont Shared Print Alliance and the Partnership for Shared Book Collections Delegations
Library Technology and Service Provider Delegations
Expert Practitioners
At-large Attendees
All attendees are expected to actively engage in this interactive event. Attendees will:
Represent the infrastructure priorities of their respective communities
Contribute subject and functional area expertise on existing and desired functionality
Delegations will also be presenting lightning talks highlighting their areas of focus within the lifecycle and potential areas of growth for further embedding shared print in the lifecycle.
Attendees of the summit will work together to:
Build a common understanding of needs around shared print in the collections lifecycle
Link up the lifecycle pieces to actual tools and functionality
Cultivate a greater sense of community with shared print stakeholders and library technology and service providers
We hope that all attendees come out of the Summit with a/an:
Increased understanding of and resonance with the vision for embedding shared print
Stronger connection and sense of shared purpose with one another
Sense of momentum around the summit outcomes
Ability to communicate back to peers and colleagues in their communities
The names of attendees will not be shared publicly, but those attending the event will be provided a list of attendees in order to connect during the event and follow-up after the event.
How were attendees identified for the Summit? Individuals chosen to participate in the Summit have deep and broad experience in shared print programs, expertise in their library roles or represent organizations that provide critical library services or products. The Rosemont Shared Print Alliance and The Partnership for Shared Book Collections will be sending delegations of three representatives each. Expert practitioners who contributed their time in CCH focus groups to refine the vision of embedding shared print in the lifecycle of collections will attend. A broad range of library service and technology providers will be sending representatives. Finally, a large number of attendees are passionate supporters of shared print who responded to an at-large invitation for expressions of interest posted on the Print Archive Network (PAN) listserv. Overall, our aim was to manage the volume of participants while also supporting the inclusivity of the event.
CDL, CRL, and HathiTrust Collaboration events are focused on facilitating an experience that is productive, safe, and respectful for all those involved. Our focus is on deep collaboration and open discussions. We will not tolerate harassment of any kind or disruptive behavior. All attendees are expected to be respectful of our community’s diversity and generous with the views of others. If you have concerns about a Summit participant’s behavior, please use our feedback form at
Presentations, public notes, and other information shared prior to and following the summit are posted here. You can also read the Directors' thoughts on the value of collaboration in the Summit for Shared Print in the Collection Lifecycle in the opening transcript.
Following the summit, we plan to continue to engage the community in this important work. We will be:
developing a post summit report which will include highlights and outcomes from the summit
hosting several public webinars to share highlights and outcomes of the summit
Please continue to check back on this site for more outcomes from the summit.
This summit would not be possible without the support of our organizations, colleagues, stakeholders, library service providers, and the greater community. We extend a huge thank you to our expert practitioners who engaged with us in this work early on and the community who shared their insight as we launched this idea in the world.